
Care sunt unele forme de transport care încep cu litera R?
Care sunt cele trei tipuri de transport? Diferitele moduri de transport sunt transportul aerian, pe apă și terestru, care include transportul feroviar...
Care sunt exemplele de transport aerian?
Care sunt cele 5 transporturi aeriene? Răspuns Învățarea numelor și sunetelor transportului aerian Dirigibil, Avion, Balon cu aer cald, Elicopter, Rac...
How do goods transport in India?
How are goods transported? Transportation may take place by air, water, rail, road, pipeline, or cable routes, using planes, boats, trains, trucks, an...
Cum devii ofițer rto?
Cât câștigă un RTO? Salariul mediu RTO Office variază de la aproximativ 1 INR.2 lakhs pe an pentru un executiv RTO până la 1 INR.9 lakhs pe an pentru ...
What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern types of transportation?
What are advantages of modern transportation? It is economical mode for transporting heavy loads and even cargo. It is the safest mode which provides ...
What transport do they use in India?
What transportation is used in India? Roads. Roads are the dominant mode of transportation in India today. They carry almost 85 percent of the country...
What is good about a railway?
What are advantages of railways? It facilitates long distance travel and transport of bulky goods which are not easily transported through motor vehic...
What qualification required to become a RTO officer?
How much does an RTO earn? The average RTO Office salary ranges from approximately ₹1.2 Lakhs per year for a RTO Executive to ₹ 1.9 Lakhs per year for...
What are the advantage and disadvantage of the transportation?
What are disadvantages of Transportation explain? There are risks and disadvantages when transporting your goods by road, including long distances ove...
How do you make means of transport model?
How the transportation modes are classified? The different modes of transport are air, water, and land transport, which includes Rails or railways, ro...
What are different types of water transportation?
What are the types of water vehicles? water vehicles are suited for long distance travel, commuting, cruising, racing and off-road riding. there are n...
Active transport systems are a form of cell transport that requires energy from molecules of?
What energy is needed for active transport? During active transport, substances move against the concentration gradient, from an area of low concentra...