
Cum îmi dau seama de ce parte este pe ușa mea de combustibil?
Pe ce parte este ușa pentru combustibil? Dacă este îndreptat spre stânga, capacul de umplere al mașinii este în stânga, iar dacă este îndreptat spre d...
Ce înseamnă partea înaltă și partea joasă în ceea ce privește AC-urile mașinii?
Ce este o citire normală a părții înalte și a părții joase? Citirea presiunii din partea joasă ar trebui să fie între 25 și 30 psi și partea superioar...
Your car pulls to the right only when you acelerate hard whats wrong?
What does it mean when your car pulls hard to the right? The most commonly culprit is your vehicle's wheel alignment. When your vehicle is properly al...
Ce se întâmplă dacă trageți într-un loc de parcare și glisați lateral mașina lângă spațiu și plecați?
Cine este de vină într-un accident de lovitură laterală? Într-un accident cu glisare laterală, șoferul care a trecut pe celălalt vehicul în timp ce ac...
Which side does the freon go into the high or low pressure end?
Do you add refrigerant to the high or low side? For systems under a vacuum, once the desired vacuum level has been reached, the vacuum pump has been i...
What is considered the left and right side of the engine?
What side is left side of engine? If you stand there facing the rear of the engine, you will see the proper perspective. The Front is the opposite sid...
Why would the entire left bank of speakers and left mirror not work?
Can I drive without a side mirror? The answer is yes. Driving is illegal if your car does not have two working mirrors, ensuring that one of them is o...
Who is at fault if two vehicles side swipe one another when the vehicle on the right side has crossed the centre lane but is stopped?
Who is liable in a sideswipe accident? In a sideswipe accident, the driver who side swiped the other vehicle as it passes will typically be held liabl...
In movies why do people exit cars from the passenger side?
Why do they exit automobiles on the passenger side in old movies? To avoid stepping out into traffic. Roads were narrow and cars were big and had benc...
Did cars always have driver side mirror?
Did old cars have side mirrors? Older cars did not have sideview mirrors, or may have only had one as it wasn't a convention. There was a time cars on...
Where can i purchase a driver side rear view mirror for 2004 ford expedition?
How much does a driver side rear view mirror cost? Side mirror replacement costs between $139 and $328 for parts and labor, while you can expect to pa...
What would make your car pull left then right I just changed the lower control arm?
Why does my car keep pulling to the left and right? One of the most common reasons your car will pull to one side is because the wheel alignment is of...