
Când conduceți pe lângă mașinile parcate pe dreapta, ar trebui?
Când conduceți pe lângă vehicule parcate pe dreapta, ar trebui să poziționați grupul de vehicule cu opțiuni de răspuns? Când treceți pe lângă vehicule...
Why might a car not be parked in an alcove?
What to do when you can't find your parked car? If you can't find your vehicle, call for help. Many airport parking lots and shopping center lots know...
Who is at fault is a moving vehicle hits a non moving vehicle that is legally parked on the street?
What happens if someone hits a parked car? Jail time is possible for drivers who hit a parked car and leave the scene. Many states make hit-and-run a ...
If a car is parked in front of a no parking sign at an elementary school and another car backs into it causing damages which car is at fault?
Is a parked car ever at fault? The general rule is that the driver that hits the parked car is at fault for hitting a parked car. The reason the drive...
If you park your car and the car in front of you backs up and damages your hood who is at fault?
Is the person reversing always at fault? When one car is backing out of a parking space, that car's driver is supposed to look for cars before reversi...
What do you do if you bump a parked car while in a family member's car if you don't have a permit or license?
What happens if you bump into a parked car? Jail time is possible for drivers who hit a parked car and leave the scene. Many states make hit-and-run a...
Is it legal for a tow company to tow a vehicle parked on a private roadway?
Can my car be towed away on private land? The Protection of Freedoms Act The Act makes it an offence to clamp or tow away a vehicle parked on private ...
Înainte de a vă lăsa mașina parcată pe un downgrade, ar trebui?
Ce ar trebui să faceți înainte de a vă lăsa mașina parcată pe un downgrade? Când vă îndreptați în sus (sau în jos) fără bordură, întoarceți întotdeaun...
Am lovit o mașină parcata într-o parcare?
Ce se întâmplă dacă lovești o mașină într-o parcare? Ce se întâmplă dacă loviți o mașină parcata și plecați? Dacă nu te oprești, s-ar putea să auzi de...