
Ce forță dezechilibrată este necesară pentru a excelera o mașină de curse de 1500 kg la 3.0 ms2?
Câtă forță este necesară pentru a accelera o mașină de 1500 kg cu o viteză de 2 m/s 2? F=(1500kg)(2.0m/s2)=3000N=3×103N . Ce forță netă medie este nec...
Ce forță folosesc frânele pentru a opri o mașină?
Ce forță determină o mașină să frâneze? Frecarea poate încetini mașina pe măsură ce se deplasează de-a lungul drumului, dar este și forța care îi perm...
What happens to people inside a car during collision and laws that apply?
How does Newton's second law apply to a car crash? Newton's second law states that force equals the mass multiplied by acceleration. So, in an automob...
Why car do not fall when moving in a vertical loop?
Why does a car not fall in a loop? It too is moving in a circle and it too needs a force pushing it towards the center of the circle. ... At the minim...
A person in a head-on car collision who is not wearing a seat belt continues to move forward at the original speed of the car because of?
Why does someone not wearing a seatbelt in a car fly forward when the car stops suddenly make sure to include which law explains this? Anyone not wear...
What happens to people inside a car during a collision and the laws that apply?
How does Newton's third law apply to a car crash? Newton's Third Law of Motion states For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In th...
3 ways in which a force vector can be described?
How do you describe a force vector? A force vector is a representation of a force that has both magnitude and direction. This is opposed to simply giv...
What are the examples for non conservative forces?
What is non-conservative force give an example class 11? A force is said to be non-conservative if the work done by the force depends on the path foll...
Calculate the accelaration of car by its engine power in cc and force applied by it?
What is acceleration in a car? Velocity and Acceleration The car moves faster and faster. Speed is the rate of change of position. Acceleration is the...
Why does a car need force from its engine when moving at a constant speed?
Why does a vehicle need a force from the engine to keep moving at a constant speed? For example, when a car travels at a constant speed, the driving f...
When you are driving in a car and turn a corner centrifugal force pushes you toward the door of the car opposite the direction of the turn?
When a car is turning to the left the centrifugal force is pushing the passengers to the right? The “normal” to that “force” is centrifugal, which is ...
How much force would be required to accelerate the car at a rate of 3 sec?
How much force is needed to accelerate a 1000kg car at a rate of 3 m/s 2? hence, the force needed to accelerate the 1000kg car by 3m/s2 is 3000N . Wha...