
What is a program vehicle?
What does a program car mean? The term program car can apply to a dealer demonstrator vehicle, a company executives car, an off-lease or former fleet ...
What is reasonable discount for demo car?
How much can you negotiate on a demo car? Ideally, you'll secure $2,000 - $3,000 off your demo car, on top of other discounts the dealer is offering. ...
Can you break the deal on a demo and return it to purchase a new car?
How much can you negotiate on a demo car? Ideally, you'll secure $2,000 - $3,000 off your demo car, on top of other discounts the dealer is offering. ...
Ce face o mașină un model demonstrativ?
Ceea ce este considerat un vehicul demonstrativ? Mașinile demonstrative sunt mașini noi care au fost conduse de angajați, membri ai familiei sau clien...