
Ce face un șofer?
Care sunt responsabilitățile șoferului? Responsabilitățile șoferului includ preluarea clienților, conducerea acestora către locații specificate și asi...
What do you call the person who drives a bus?
What do you call a man who drives a car or a bus? A chauffeur is a person employed to drive a passenger motor vehicle, especially a luxury vehicle suc...
What do you call a person that drives motor cars and ends with ist?
What do we call a person who drives a motor car? A chauffeur is a person employed to drive a passenger motor vehicle, especially a luxury vehicle such...
What do you call a person that drives his employer's car?
Who drives a car as a paid job is called? A person who is employed to drive a private car is called a chauffeur. He is specially kept by some richer p...
What is the limo driver's name?
What is a female limo driver called? Definition of chauffeuse (Entry 2 of 2) a woman who is a chauffeur. What is a chauffeur person? a person whose ...
What is driving people around by car called?
What is it called when a car drives together? A convoy is a group of vehicles or ships traveling together. What is difference between chauffeur and dr...
Care este femininul pentru șofer?
Cum numești o femeie șofer? Definiția șoferului (Intrarea 2 din 2) o femeie care este șofer. Care este forma feminină de șofer în franceză? Deoarece c...
Ce poartă un șofer?
Ce ar purta un șofer? Șoferii bărbați și femeile au aceleași cerințe; totuși, șoferițele pot purta un costum negru de afaceri cu pantaloni sau fustă p...
What do you call a person that drives motor cars for a living?
What is the name of the profession of a person who drives a car a truck or a bus? Driver is a non-specific job title that describes someone who operat...