
Puteți scoate un convertor catalitic și nu aveți nicio lumină de motor?
Voi primi o lumină de verificare a motorului dacă îmi scot catalizatorul? În al treilea rând, îndepărtarea convertorului catalitic poate declanșa un c...
What is a two way catalytic converter?
What are the two types of catalytic converters? There are two types of systems running in a catalytic converter, lean and rich. When the system is run...
How can you remove platnium from a car converter?
How much platinum do you get out of a Cadillac converter? Because catalytic converters contain three different Platinum Group Metals – platinum, palla...
Convertorul de pisici poate schimba sunetul mașinii?
Convertizoarele catalitice afectează sunetul?? Absolut. Va face evacuarea mai tare și/sau va modifica pasul de evacuare (tonuri mai joase). Deși toba ...
Does a catalytic converter cause the car to overheat?
Can a bad catalytic converter cause overheating? A catalytic converter is one of the long-lasting components of your car's exhaust system. However, th...
What problems does a bad catalytic convertor cause?
What happens if you keep driving with a bad catalytic converter? A Bad Catalytic Converter Can Burn Through Overtime The inner fiber of your catalytic...
Does a 2000 F250 Super Duty diesel have a catalyst converter?
Does a 2000 F250 diesel have a catalytic converter? Answer Your 2000 Ford F250 Powerstroke Turbo Diesel should will require a smog check in order to b...
How do you empty the catalytic converter?
What happens if I empty my catalytic converter? By removing the catalytic converter, you remove this constriction, which means you can operate at a lo...
Does the catalic converter put out heat under the car?
Do catalytic converters create heat? A catalytic converter is a large metal box, bolted to the underside of your car, that has two pipes coming out of...
Is cat-converter's nessasary in a city with no emission tests?
Is a catalytic converter a legal requirement? The role of a catalytic converter is to reduce the level of toxic gases which are released from the exha...
Would a catalytic converter cause your car not to start?
How does a car act when the catalytic converter is bad? Among the bad symptoms of a compromised catalytic converter are Sluggish engine performance, R...
What are symptoms of faulty catalytic converter 1989 ranger STX?
How do I know if my catalytic converter needs to be replaced? When the catalytic converter is in good shape, all chemicals within the exhaust system a...