Airbag-uri - Страница 2

Oamenii dezvoltă airbag-uri mai sigure?
Ce se face pentru a face airbag-urile mai sigure? Senzorii scaunelor din unele sisteme pot detecta, de asemenea, greutatea pasagerilor și se pot desfă...
De ce mașinile NOI au airbag-uri?
De ce mașinile moderne au airbag-uri? Scopul airbag-ului este de a oferi ocupantului vehiculului o amortizare moale și o reținere în timpul unei coliz...
Va funcționa un mini Cooper după ce airbagul se declanșează?
Poți să conduci o mașină după ce airbag-urile se declanșează? Da, chiar poți! Nu există nicio lege care să specifice că nu poți conduce un vehicul dac...
Se estimează că 475 de vieți au fost salvate de airbag-urile în ce an?
Câte vieți au salvat airbag-urile în 2004? – National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimează că airbagurile instalate în automobile a...
Is it illegal to remove airbags from your own vehicle and sell them?
Is removing your airbag legal? Improper removal of an air bag could cause it to deploy and injure the person. ... However, despite the absence of any ...
How an air bag works?
How do air bags activate? There are two basic airbag sensors; electrical and mechanical. One common sensor is termed a “ball and tube”, in which a bal...
Airbags that inflate less forcefully are referred to as?
What are two types of side airbags that protect the head? Basically, there are two types of side airbags in modern automobiles; the curtain airbag and...
How does the air bag work?
What triggers the air bag? Today's vehicles are built with pressure and crash sensors that help to detect when a collision has occurred. When the sens...
How much pressure does it take to open an airbag?
How much PSI does an airbag deploy? In fact, the maximum pressure in an airbag is less than 5 psi—even in the middle of a crash event. Advanced airbag...
How do you install a replacement airbag in a Ford Fiesta?
How much is it to fix an airbag? On average, expect around $1,000 to $1,500 per airbag that needs to be replaced. That doesn't take into consideration...
Do airbags kill more than they save?
Do airbags do more damage than good? Airbags are designed to protect passengers and drivers in the event of a severe accident. However, there are case...
Is it illegal to register or insure a car that originally had an airbag but does not have one anymore if you do not want to repair it?
Can you drive a car with airbags deployed? So can you drive a car with airbags deployed? Yes, you can! While your safety will be compromised, there is...